Holocaust denier to visit the US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Holocaust denier Bradley Smith says he has registered to attend an annual lecture on Holocaust survivors at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum on June 21, 2011.

This event has been on Smith’s radar for some time. Back in April he posted an email that an associate of his had sent to Marianne Hirsch, the professor of Comparative Literature at Columbia University who will be delivering this year’s lecture.

[You know what’s odd? In his post, Smith links out not to the official USHMM page for the event, but to an announcement for the event that appeared on the listserv of a small group dedicated to researching the history of the Jewish communities in the Czernowitz-Sadagora regions of the Ukraine.]

I don’t know what Smith intends to do at the lecture (though if he somehow gets a chance to speak out I would bet that he will use one of his favorite phrases: “the professorial class”). I also don’t know whether the USHMM has the right to bar Smith from attending.

This is not the first time, though, that Smith and his compatriots have attempted to attend public conferences and lectures.  Back in November 2010, both Fredrick Toben and Bradley Smith’s associate, David Merlin, tried to attend a scholarly conference on Holocaust Denial and Anti-Semitism in Dublin, Ireland. They were refused entry. I wouldn’t say this is a trend yet, but it’s interesting to note.

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1 Response to Holocaust denier to visit the US Holocaust Memorial Museum

  1. You’ve got great insights about Bishop Williamson, keep up the good work!

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